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Do's and Don'ts After Rhinoplasty Surgery

  • ByMedical Content Team
  • Medically Reviewed byDr. Sabine Kulhanek
  • Fact checked

Do's and Don'ts After Rhinoplasty Surgery

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You've just taken a significant step towards a more confident you by doing a rhinoplasty surgery, But what now?

We're here to ensure your journey is as smooth as can be. But guess what? The thrill doesn't end when you leave the operating room – there's a whole chapter waiting to unfold.

In this blog, think of us as your trusty tour guide, here to make the post-rhinoplasty phase a breeze. We'll spill the beans on what you absolutely should do to supercharge your healing process and what's on the "avoid like the plague" list to safeguard those stunning results.

So, grab your favorite snack, get cozy, and let's dive into the exciting world of post-rhinoplasty do's and don'ts! 

Do's After Rhinoplasty:

  1. Follow Post-Op Instructions: Strictly adhere to the surgeon's post-operative guidelines regarding medications, wound care, and activity restrictions.
  2. Keep Your Head Elevated: Sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling and promote proper healing.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to aid in the healing process and prevent dehydration.
  4. Eat a Healthy Diet: Consume nutrient-rich foods to support your body's recovery.
  5. Use Cold Compresses: Apply cold compresses to your face to reduce swelling and bruising.


  6. Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Keep all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon for proper monitoring and care.

Don'ts After Rhinoplasty:

  1. Avoid Strenuous Activity: Refrain from strenuous exercise and activities that could increase blood pressure for several weeks post-surgery.


  2. Don't Smoke or Drink Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can impair healing and increase the risk of complications; avoid them during your recovery.
  3. Don't Touch or Pick Your Nose: Keep your hands away from your nose to prevent infection or damage to the surgical site.


  4. Stay Out of the Sun: Avoid direct sunlight, and use sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage.
  5. Don't Rush Back to Work: Allow yourself adequate time off work to recover fully; rushing can hinder healing.
  6. Avoid Certain Medications: Steer clear of medications that can thin your blood, such as aspirin, as they may increase bleeding.

When can I sleep on my stomach after rhinoplasty surgery?

After rhinoplasty surgery, it's best to avoid sleeping on your stomach for a while. In the beginning, usually for the first one to two weeks, you'll want to sleep on your back with your head raised a bit. Think of it as giving your nose some space to heal and reducing any swelling.


As you recover and the swelling goes down, your surgeon will let you know when it's okay to go back to sleeping on your stomach or in your favorite position. This might take a few weeks, but it's important to follow their advice to make sure everything heals up nicely. So, for now, cozy up on your back and let your nose do its healing dance!

How to clean my nose after the rhinoplasty surgery?

Cleaning your nose after rhinoplasty is an important aspect of your post-operative care routine to ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of infection. 

Typically, surgeons recommend using nasal saline irrigation to maintain moisture and cleanliness in your nasal passages. You can use a saline nasal spray or a saline rinse kit, following the product's instructions or your surgeon's guidance. This helps prevent the buildup of dried mucus and aids in keeping your nasal passages clear.


When cleaning the inside of your nostrils, do so gently. Dampen a Q-tip or cotton swab with saline solution and use it to clean the inside of your nostrils. Be cautious not to insert the swab too deeply or use excessive force, as this could potentially damage the delicate nasal tissues.

What to eat after rhinoplasty surgery? The Perfect Diet

Eating the right foods after rhinoplasty surgery can help support your healing process and minimize the risk of complications. Here are some dietary guidelines to consider:

  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is crucial for your overall health and the healing process. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which can hinder recovery.


  • Soft and Easy-to-Chew Foods: In the immediate days following surgery, it's best to focus on soft and easily digestible foods. These can include soups, broths, yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. Avoid foods that require excessive chewing or could potentially irritate your nose, such as crunchy or spicy foods.


  • Protein: Protein is essential for tissue repair and recovery. Incorporate lean sources of protein like chicken, fish, tofu, and beans into your meals.


  • Fiber: Constipation can be a side effect of pain medications often prescribed after surgery. To prevent this, consume fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. If necessary, consider a mild over-the-counter stool softener with your surgeon's approval.
  • Vitamin-rich foods: A diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help boost your immune system and aid in healing. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet to provide essential nutrients. Citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, and bell peppers are excellent choices.
  • Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you, so it's best to avoid or limit these beverages during your recovery.


  • Minimize Salt: High sodium intake can lead to increased swelling. Try to limit your salt intake during the initial days of recovery.
  • Small, Frequent Meals: Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can be easier on your digestive system and help maintain your energy levels.

Is smoking after rhinoplasty a good idea?

Lighting up a cigarette after rhinoplasty is definitely not a great idea. Let me explain why in simple terms.

Smoking can slow down the healing process. After rhinoplasty, your body needs all the help it can get to recover well. Smoking narrows your blood vessels and reduces the oxygen supply to your tissues, making it harder for your nose to heal properly.


Plus, smoking weakens your immune system, which means you're more vulnerable to infections. After surgery, your nose is especially prone to infections, so lighting up could really put you at risk.

So, to give your nose the best chance at a smooth recovery and great results, it's best to put smoking on hold for a while, or even better, quit altogether. Your future self will thank you!


In summary, rhinoplasty is a transformative surgical procedure that requires careful post-operative care and lifestyle adjustments. 

Following the surgeon's instructions, especially regarding sleeping positions, diet, and avoiding smoking, is crucial for a successful recovery. 

By adhering to these guidelines and prioritizing your health, you can enhance the chances of achieving the desired results and minimize the risk of complications after rhinoplasty surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long should I avoid sleeping on my stomach after rhinoplasty surgery?

A: It's typically recommended to avoid sleeping on your stomach for at least the first 1-2 weeks after rhinoplasty surgery. However, follow your surgeon's specific instructions, as this timeline can vary based on your individual case.

Q: When can I start eating solid foods after rhinoplasty surgery?

A: You can gradually reintroduce solid foods into your diet as tolerated, usually within a few days to a week after surgery. Start with soft and easy-to-chew options before transitioning to a regular diet.

Q: Is it okay to wear glasses or sunglasses after rhinoplasty surgery?

A: It's best to avoid wearing glasses that rest on the bridge of your nose for the first few weeks after surgery, as they can exert pressure on the healing nasal structures. Consult your surgeon for guidance on when it's safe to resume wearing glasses.

Q: When can I resume exercise and physical activities after rhinoplasty?

A: Strenuous exercise and activities that increase blood pressure should be avoided for several weeks post-surgery. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines on when you can safely resume physical activities based on your individual recovery progress.

Q: How long should I refrain from smoking after rhinoplasty?

A: Smoking is strongly discouraged both before and after rhinoplasty surgery. Ideally, you should quit smoking well in advance of your surgery and continue to abstain from smoking during the entire recovery period, which can last several weeks to months.

Q: What should I do if I experience unexpected complications during my rhinoplasty recovery?

A: If you encounter any unusual symptoms or complications, such as excessive bleeding, severe pain, infection, or unexpected changes in your nasal appearance, contact your surgeon immediately. They can provide guidance and intervene as necessary to address the issue.

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I'm curious, how long did it take for others to feel back to normal after rhinoplasty? Any tips for a faster recovery? 🤔

Reply to Maya

After my rhinoplasty, it took about 2 week for me to feel somewhat normal. Sleep upright take meds and be patient. it gets better

Reply to Maya

Hey there! Recovery times can vary, but many folks start feeling more like themselves in a couple of weeks. Take it easy, follow your doc's advice, and ice the area to help with swelling. Patience is key – you'll be back to normal before you know it


Big thanks for this! Your article answered all my lingering questions about rhinoplasty recovery. Feeling more prepared and less anxious now. 🙏

Reply to Naomi

Absolutely thrilled to hear that our article helped ease your concerns about rhinoplasty recovery! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions or need further assistance. Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery!