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ledanielle22 Aug 2023

How long before my rhinoplasty should I abstain from consuming alcohol?

I have one more question. How long should I take a break from wine and beer before I go in for my nose job? Is there a specific number of days or weeks recommended?

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Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

Hi, Although minimal amounts of alcohol consumption may not interfere with daily activities, this is more than important when it comes to surgery. There are 3 major reasons for this.

1. First of all, alcohol consumption can modify blood coagulation time, hence act as a blood thinner resulting in bleeding and/or edema and swelling that are important in aesthetic procedures.

2. Alcohol consumption immediately prior to surgery can result in increased diuresis (which means increased urination) hence making it difficult to control your blood pressure, electrolyte balance hydration altogether.

3. Alcohol consumption can change the way your liver metabolized medicine, hence intake of alcohol in combination with antibiotics and non-steriod anti-inflammatory drugs can result in increased/decreased metabolization of the medicine and overdose or underdose of the medicine required.

In general, I advice ro alcohol intake for 2 days prior to surgery and 1 week after.

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