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diantodote28 Aug 2023

Would it be beneficial to undergo surgery to correct my deviated septum?

I've had a deviated septum since birth, as have my two brothers. I've always struggled with allergies and severe nasal congestion. I find myself blowing my nose at least 20 times a day, even when I don't have a cold. Lately, I've been noticing a lot of scabs in my nose due to dry breathing. Additionally, when I breathe quickly, the side with the deviated septum tends to collapse. I'm curious about the potential cost of addressing this issue.

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Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

Hi there, thank you for your question. According to what you wrote, I think that it's worth getting septorhinoplasty to fix your nose and breathing. Together with septorhinoplasty, your allergic nasal tisues can be fixed. I suggest you to go further and book consultation to discuss your problem.

Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

Hi there, thank you for your question. According to what you wrote, I think that it's worth getting septorhinoplasty to fix your nose and breathing. Together with septorhinoplasty, your allergic nasal tisues can be fixed. I suggest you to go further and book consultation to discuss your problem.

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