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katie172413 Aug 2023

The tip of my nose drooped after nose surgery, how can I facilitate recovery?

I underwent plastic surgery one and a half years ago, where a closed procedure was performed. However, when I informed the doctor about my nasal tip sagging, they mentioned that my chin appeared larger in proportion to the changes made during surgery. They suggested an open surgery approach and proposed a cost of 2 billion for addressing both areas. I declined this option. Could you provide guidance on how to rectify the issue with my nose? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

Hello, thank you for your question. With the closed technique, your nose tip can be eliminated with revision nose aesthetics, your nose can be reduced. During the detailed examination, your skin structure and tissues should be evaluated

Dr. Tamer Sakrak
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

When you undergo surgery with your doctor, it's as if they have taken you under their care. Therefore, if there is a situation that needs correction, you should communicate with them about it. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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