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beautyphilly6 Oct 2023

Post-Rhinoplasty Swelling and Nose Tip Concerns

Hi everyone, I'm feeling quite distressed at the moment. It's been nearly a week since my rhinoplasty procedure, and I can't help but think that my nose looks larger than I had hoped for. The doctor recently removed the cast from my nose, but I'm not entirely pleased with the current size of my nose. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced a similar situation after their nose surgery. Did your nose initially appear larger, and did you eventually become satisfied with the results over time? I still have stitches on my nose, and I'm hopeful that once they are removed, my nose will take on a more desirable shape.

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It's only been less than two weeks since your surgery, and you'll have to deal with this for like six months to a whole year.

Don't worry about it. The swelling will gradually go down over time.

It's still early days. What were you expecting? You had a good surgery. Be patient. 😌

I had my surgery about three weeks ago, and the puffiness in my nose has gone down a lot since the first week. Just hang in there, it'll get better in around four to five months. No need to stress too much.

You're aiming pretty high! πŸ˜„βœ¨ But just so you know, you'll have to deal with the swelling and puffiness for at least six months. It's pretty clear that in the first week, your nose is still puffy. As time goes by, it'll improve, and the swelling will go down. So, don't expect it to magically shrink every time you check it out in the mirror. πŸͺ„πŸ‘ƒπŸ˜…

Did you experience any pain during your surgery? Does rhinoplasty always involve pain? Were you not scared?

It's hard to say if it's just swelling or if the doc didn't make your nose narrower. I know someone whose nose stayed swollen for like four or five years after their surgery, and it didn't get smaller. You'll have to wait and see if it's just swelling or if the doc didn't do a good job narrowing your nostrils. Hopefully, it's just swelling, and you'll start feeling better soon. 🀞😊

One of my friends had a nose that was both too big and crooked. She had surgery, and it turned out well.

Can you please share before and after photos? I would like to see them.

I got my nose job done around twenty days back, and the puffiness has gone down a lot since the first week. Don't stress too much; it's gonna take some time. Your nose will get better slowly over four or five months.

Hello, everyone. I'm looking for a rhinoplasty surgeon who can perform a natural-looking nose job for me. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know.

Oh, guys, I have my surgery appointment next week. I'm so stressed; I don't know what to do. Please send me some positive energy.

Hey there. My mom had her nose job just four days ago, and she's super freaked out. The cast hasn't been removed yet, but her nasal holes are large and swollen, making her look like a pig. We're both scared to death; we even cry together.

Before the surgery, she had a hump on her nose, and her nostrils were on the larger side, but you couldn't really see them from the front. But now, they're sticking out a lot and kinda pig-like. Do you think it's just swelling? Will it improve later on? I'm really concerned. And I've heard that the nose tip can drop a bit after a while, is that true?

I'll tell you something strange about my nose: it's swollen on one side only! πŸ˜„ One side is puffed up more than the other. I told my doctor, and he said to give it a massage for now; it will gradually get better.

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