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Published on 3 Apr 2024 | Last updated on 14 Oct 2024

Celebrities Nose Job: Before and After Photos

  • ByMedical Content Team
  • Medically Reviewed byDr. Sabine Kulhanek
  • Fact checked

Celebrities Nose Job: Before and After Photos

In the dazzling realm of stardom, where aesthetics often play as significant a role as talent, it's no surprise that celebrities feel compelled to fine-tune their appearances, striving for what they perceive as perfection. Every flaw - whether real or perceived - often ends up under the scrutiny of millions of eyes, and thus the demand for cosmetic procedures skyrockets. Among these, rhinoplasty, commonly known as the nose job, arguably reigns supreme.

In this riveting expose, we're about to unmask a lineup of 50 celebrities who have admitted -- except one whose surgery was revealed after her death -- to have undergone the sculptor's chisel to reshape their nasal landscape. This list may surprise you, stir your curiosity, or even inspire you to reconsider what we perceive as beauty in our culture.

From the ethereal beauty of A-list actors to the enchanting allure of chart-topping musicians, to the larger-than-life personas of reality TV stars - no corner of the celebrity world remains untouched by the nose job wave. Some admissions might break your heart, but rest assured that each revelation will have you glued to your screen, as we delve into the mesmerizing world of glamour, where the pursuit of aesthetic perfection knows no bounds.

Let's dive nose-first into this fascinating exploration of beauty, perception, and the lengths some will go to attain their ideal image. Buckle up, and let's get started!

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston Before and After Nose job
​ Jennifer Aniston Before and After Nose job

Jennifer Aniston, best known for her role as Rachel Green on the television sitcom "Friends," is one of the few celebrities who has publicly acknowledged having a nose job. She has always been open about the fact that her surgery was not for cosmetic purposes but was instead to correct a deviated septum that was causing her health issues.

In an interview with People Magazine in 2007, Jennifer Aniston clarified, "I had [a deviated septum] fixed – best thing I ever did. I slept like a baby for the first time in years."

Her openness about the procedure is something that has often been lauded, as she didn't disguise the surgery as something else or fail to comment on it, unlike many celebrities who avoid discussing their procedures. However, it's important to note that even though the primary purpose was medical, the procedure may have altered the appearance of her nose somewhat. The distinction between cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty can sometimes blur, depending on the specifics of the procedure.

Ariana Grande

Starting out as a children's showrunner in Nickelodeon to now being one of the music industry’s top stars, Ariana Grande has been the subject of focus regarding her beauty for years. As far as a nose job goes, we can almost certainly verify that she has had nose jobs in the past. She herself confirmed in 2020 that she received facial plastic surgery when she published a photo with a facial bandage but did not elaborate further on the details of the surgery. But looking at her photos before and after this point, we can see a clear adjustment in her nose shape, and that simply cannot be a coincidence.  There’s also speculation that she received a facelift and a brow lift as well.


Ariana Grande Before and After Rhinoplasty
Ariana Grande Before and After Rhinoplasty

Queen B as she has come to be called, is famed for her musical domination of the pop scene for the last 20 years, as well as her stunning appearance. But just like many other cases, there are good reasons to believe this appearance is enhanced. Back in 2015, Dr. Anthony Youn, an award-winning nose surgeon responsible for many of Hollywood’s cosmetic surgeries, claimed that there were clear signs that Beyonce had received extensive surgery in addition to Botox injections around her nasal area. While the Queen of Pop has remained silent on the issue, such strong testimony from the cosmetic industry’s top surgeons should be enough to decide the case.

Beyonce Before and After Nose Surgery
Beyonce Before and After Nose Surgery

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling Before and After Nose Surgery
Ryan Gosling Before and After Nose Surgery

The most recognizable face in the male actor audience in 2023 is Ryan Gosling. With one of the most recognizable faces in the world, naturally, he has attracted attention to the details of his facial features. A thorough examination from 1992 to 2022 can expose the signs of a minutely adjusted nose as a result of a rhinoplasty. Regarding this event, the same surgeon who unveiled Beyonce’s nose job also has commented on the possibility of a Ryan Gosling nose job. Dr. Youn believes that Gosling’s nose in his youth featured a noticeable crook that is missing in the later years. While it is possible for natural growth to have fixed this crookedness, Youn favors the possibility of a nose job instead.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise Before and After Nose job
Tom Cruise Before and After Nose job

Maintaining your position as one of the top Hollywood actors for over three decades requires careful maintenance of your physical characteristics. Tom Cruise falls into the category of celebrities who fervently deny receiving a nose job, stating in an interview that he ”hasn’t and never would” receive a nose job. But one of his closest celebrity friends, Cuba Gooding JR, has stated that he has “definitely” received a nose job before. Apart from this testimony, changes around the nose and lips are visible to the naked eye, indicating a strong possibility of a nose job on Cruise. With the superstar aging, it is strongly possible that he will get a further nose job in the coming years as well.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Before and After Rhinoplasty
Michael Jackson Before and After Rhinoplasty

While the King of Pop has departed the world for several years now, he has had one of the most iconic physical transformations across his body. From his vastly different skin tone in his later years to one of the most defining and visible nose surgeries, Michael Jackson has always been a hot topic. As far as nose job goes, this is a matter of public record. Rumored to have received over 199 different plastic surgeries throughout his life, there are at least two attested instances of rhinoplasty by Jackson himself. These two surgeries were done on separate sides of his nose in different yeats to make the nostrils look more symmetrical and angular. 

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson Nose Job Before and After Photo
Scarlett Johansson Nose Job Before and After Photo

There are few actresses as famed and as admired as Scarlett Johannso, both regarding her acting prowess and her beauty. But what if the beauty is not all natural? While Johansson herself has declined to get surgery to this day, there are credible clues as to the fact that the Scarlett Johansson nose job has actually happened. This stems from a 2007 US Weekly article that strongly implied she had gotten a nose job. But we don’t need all that much of empyrical evidence either. A slight change in her nasal shape post-2007, coupled with her strong support for cosmetic surgeries in 2004, is reason enough to conclude that she has indeed gone under the blade

Blake Lively

Blake Lively
Blake Lively Nose Job Before and After Photo

The actress known for her stunning beauty as well as promimemt roles in The Town and Green Lantern has aslo been the subject of major speculation regarding a potential secret nose job. The rumors grew in strength where a noticable shift in nasal form was detected after mid-2008. There is also the pssiblity that she received a minor, barely noticeable adjustment in 2005, but she redid the whole nose in 2008. She herself has neither denied or confirmed these rumor, but regardless, while the 2005 minor adjustment cannot be 100% confirmed, the shift in nasal form since 2008 is so noticeable that no other conclusion other than a surgery can be reached. Experts such as Dr. Hugh Mclean have commented on the Blake Lively nose job. “Looking at her supposed before and after rhinoplasty surgery photos, it’s clear to see that Lively chose an extraordinarily talented surgeon. Because the nose job was nicely done, it perfectly matches her flat face and compliments her already striking looks. Blake’s nose job is among the simplest cosmetic procedures ever made in Hollywood. Her face didn’t change much, and her new nose now looks better with her face”, said Mclean.

Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton Before and After Nose job
Dolly Parton Before and After Nose job

Dolly Parton, the country music legend with a career spanning over half a century, is renowned for her vivacious personality and signature voluminous hair. Lately, there's been conjecture that Dolly might have opted for rhinoplasty. Indeed, the star has been candid about undergoing cosmetic procedures on her face, though whether a nose job is part of those remains uncertain. Comparing her facial features from her early days in the industry to now reveals changes, but it's challenging to pinpoint whether natural aging or aesthetic surgeries are behind this transformation.

In a 2019 dialogue with CBS Sunday Morning, Dolly confessed, "It is true that I look artificial, but I believe that I'm totally real. My look is really based on a country girl's idea of glam. I wasn't naturally pretty, so I make the most of anything I've got."

She further remarked, "You should have seen me this morning before I got ready to see you. I'm serious, though. I'm not a natural beauty, but I can enhance it. Whatever it takes, I do. I try to make the most of everything."

In an earlier interview with The Guardian in 2011, Dolly famously stated, “If something is bagging, sagging or dragging, I'll tuck it, suck it or pluck it."

Cardi B

Cardi B Before and After Nose job
Cardi B Before and After Nose job

One of the most acclaimed female rappers of all time, Cardi B is known for her extravagance and over-the-top appearance. The matter of Cardi B nose job is not only public knowledge, but she also received extensive nose job advice from a fellow celebrity, Kim Kardashian. Cardi B has publicly announced her nose job, saying that she “had no choice” in getting a nose job. This is due to the fact that back in 2019 she received a dermal filler injection that resulted in poor nose structure, with the only fix being the nose job blade. It’s refreshing to see celebrities being open about their nose job experiences like Cardi B is. 

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe Before and After Nose Surgery
Marilyn Monroe Before and After Nose Surgery

Marilyn Monroe, one of the most iconic actresses of the 20th century, has been rumored to have undergone a nose job, among other procedures. However, during her lifetime, Monroe never publicly acknowledged any cosmetic surgery, which was a more private and often stigmatized matter in her era compared to the present day.

The claims that Marilyn Monroe had plastic surgery first came to light decades after her death. In 2013, medical records and X-rays of the actress were put up for auction by Julien's Auctions in Beverly Hills, which reportedly showed evidence of a small chin implant and a rhinoplasty.

The X-rays and doctors’ notes date from 1950 and 1962. The set of six X-rays and a file of doctors’ notes that offer a partial medical history of Monroe from 1950 to 1962 suggest that she had plastic surgery on her chin as well. There are, however, no quotes or firsthand confirmations from Monroe herself regarding these procedures.

It's important to note that, while this evidence is compelling, without explicit confirmation from Monroe or her doctor, it's impossible to say with 100% certainty whether she had these procedures. The exact nature and extent of the surgeries she might have had remain a point of speculation and discussion.

Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian Before and After Rhinoplasty
Khloe Kardashian Before and After Rhinoplasty

Khloe Kardashian, a member of the famous Kardashian-Jenner clan, confirmed she had a nose job during the Keeping Up With The Kardashians Reunion special, which aired in June 2021. After years of speculation and denial, Khloe spoke candidly about her decision to have a rhinoplasty.

In her own words, she said, "For me, everyone says, 'Oh my gosh, she's had her third face transplant!' But I've had one nose job--Dr. Raj Kanodia. And everyone gets so upset, like, 'Why don't I talk about it?' No one's ever asked me. You're the first person in an interview [who's] ever asked me about my nose."

Before this, Khloe had always maintained that the noticeable changes in her appearance were due to makeup techniques rather than plastic surgery. But at the reunion, she decided to share her truth and address the speculations. She pointed out that no one had directly asked her about it before, so she hadn't felt the need to publicly discuss it.

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway Before and After Nose Surgery
Anne Hathaway Before and After Nose Surgery

Anne Hathaway, a popular actress who gained fame and was once regarded as the most attractive person in the world by People magazine, enjoys a large and devoted fan following. Some of her admirers are intrigued by her beauty and speculate whether she has undergone cosmetic surgery to enhance her appearance.

Anne Hathaway has openly admitted to undergoing multiple plastic surgery procedures. Early in her career, she opted for a rhinoplasty to alter the structure of her nose. The noticeable transformation in her nose indicates that the surgery was successful, resulting in an improved look and increased self-confidence.

Furthermore, her fans have speculated that she may have had a breast augmentation, commonly referred to as a "boob job." According to various sources, she did undergo breast augmentation, but it was specifically for a role in the movie Les Misérables. There appears to be a change in her breasts, and multiple sources concur that the procedure was executed exceptionally well.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga Before and After Nose job
Lady Gaga Before and After Nose job

One of the most evident physical transformation stories is that of the legendary pop star Lady Gaga. Obviously, this transformation has come at the cost of several comprehensive surgeries, one of which is strongly suspected to be nose surgery. The most obvious evidence of the Lady Gaga nose job is the noticeable absence of her small dorsal hump on her nose that seems to have gone away since 2021. While the nose itself does not look all that much different from the pre-surgery state, the removal of the bump is enough to surmise she received a minor nose surgery sometime in 2020. It seems that she also received minor Botox and dermal fillers as well. 

Amanda Bynes

​Amanda Bynes Before and After Nose job
​Amanda Bynes Before and After Nose job

Amanda Bynes, the former child actress known for her roles on Nickelodeon and films like "She's the Man" and "Hairspray," confirmed in 2013 that she had undergone a rhinoplasty procedure. She made this confirmation via then Twitter (now X), which was her primary means of communication with the public at the time.

Bynes tweeted on May 5, 2013, "The reason I've asked all magazines and blogs to stop using old photos of me is I don't look like that anymore! I had a nose job to remove skin that was like a webbing in between my eyes." She added, "I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I look so much prettier in my new photos that I don't want old photos used anymore!"

Later, on June 2, 2013, she tweeted again about her nose, saying "I'm getting in shape and getting a nose job! I'm looking forward to a long and wonderful career as a singer/rapper!"

Bynes' frankness about her decision to get a nose job was quite refreshing, and she has been quite open about her personal struggles as well. However, Bynes has largely withdrawn from public life, focusing on her well-being and personal development.

Kaley Cuoco

Kaley Cuoco Before and After Nose Surgery
Kaley Cuoco Before and After Nose Surgery

Kaley Cuoco, known for her role as Penny on the hit show "The Big Bang Theory," has been open about her plastic surgeries. In a 2016 interview with Women's Health, she confirmed having a nose job.

She stated: "Years ago, I had my nose done. And my boobs – best thing I ever did." She further explained that the procedures were about making herself feel better, not about trying to live up to anyone else's standards. "As much as you want to love your inner self... I'm sorry, you also want to look good. I don't think you should do it for a man or anyone else, but if it makes you feel confident, that's amazing."

However, it's important to clarify that Kaley didn't specify when exactly she got her nose job. But considering the interview was in 2016, it's safe to say that the surgery happened before then.


​Cher Before and After Rhinoplasty
​Cher Before and After Rhinoplasty

Cher, the iconic singer and actress, has been open about her experiences with plastic surgery over the years, including having a nose job. Known for her candidness, she has never shied away from discussing her procedures in public, which has made her somewhat of a pioneer in an industry where such things are often kept under wraps.

In an interview with CBS in 2010, she stated, "Yes, I have had a facelift, but who hasn't? I have become the plastic surgery poster girl." And in another interview with Bravo's Andy Cohen, she said, "It makes me happy. You know, if I want to put my tits on my back, they're mine."

In addition to a boob job, the timeless style diva has candidly acknowledged having rhinoplasty. She didn't delve into the specifics, but a comparison of her pre- and post-surgery photos reveals a discernible shift in her nose shape.

The most prominent change can be observed in her nose's dorsal hump. The bump that previously existed between the bridge and the tip of her nose has been successfully flattened. There's also a noticeable difference in the tip of her nose. It was once rounder and softer in appearance, but it has now been refined to a more defined and pointed shape.

Josh Hutcherson

​Josh Hutcherson Before and After Rhinoplasty
​Josh Hutcherson Before and After Rhinoplasty

Josh Hutcherson, known for his role as Peeta Mellark in "The Hunger Games" series, underwent a rhinoplasty procedure in 2012. However, his procedure wasn't for cosmetic reasons. Instead, it was to correct a deviated septum, which can cause breathing issues.

Hutcherson himself was open about the surgery. He was quoted saying, "I had a deviated septum, so I had to get that fixed," during a guest appearance on the late-night talk show "Conan" hosted by Conan O'Brien.

Though a nose job or rhinoplasty is often associated with cosmetic alterations, it's important to remember that many people, like Hutcherson, undergo the procedure for medical reasons such as to alleviate breathing difficulties or to correct a deviated septum.

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea Before and After Nose Surgery
Iggy Azalea Before and After Nose Surgery

Iggy Azalea, an Australian rapper, has been open about her plastic surgeries, including a nose job. She confirmed this during an interview with Seventeen magazine in 2015.

Speaking candidly about her decision to get a rhinoplasty, she said, "I'm not denying it. Denying it is lame. I don't think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I've spoken about the changes I've made, like with my breasts."

She continued, explaining her thought process and the time it took her to make her decision, "Your perception of yourself can change a lot over time, so I think it's important to wait and make sure it's the right choice. Plastic surgery is an emotional journey. It's no easy feat to live with your flaws and accept yourself—and it's no easy feat to change yourself. Either way you look at it, it's a tough journey."

She ended with a word of advice for her fans, saying, "There are things that I didn't like about myself that I changed through surgery. There are other things I dislike but I've learned to accept. It's important to remember you can't change everything. You can never be perfect."

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz Before and After Nose job
Cameron Diaz Before and After Nose job

Cameron Diaz, the charismatic Hollywood actress, has publicly acknowledged that she underwent a rhinoplasty. However, her decision was more about health than aesthetics.

In 2006, the actress had a nose job after she broke her nose during a surfing accident. The procedure was performed to correct the damage and help with the breathing difficulties she was experiencing.

In an interview with W magazine in 2006, Diaz clarified her decision. She said, “I’m not doing it because I want to look beautiful; I didn’t like the way my nose was broken, and I couldn’t breathe. That’s why I did it.”

So, while Diaz did indeed have a nose job, it was less about appearance and more about her overall health and well-being.

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid Before and After Nose job
Bella Hadid Before and After Nose job

In a candid conversation about her appearance, mental health, and self-perception, Bella Hadid set the record straight on plastic surgery rumors for the first time.

In her latest feature for Vogue, the renowned supermodel acknowledged undergoing rhinoplasty at the tender age of 14, a choice she now deeply regrets. "I wish I had kept the nose of my ancestors,” she admitted. “I think I would have grown into it.”

However, contrary to speculations that she has had a wide range of cosmetic procedures including eye lifts and jaw shaving, Hadid clarified that these allegations are unfounded. “People think I fully fucked with my face because of one picture of me as a teenager looking puffy. I’m pretty sure you don’t look the same now as you did at 13, right? I have never used filler. Let’s just put an end to that. I have no issue with it, but it’s not for me.” She went on to say that “Whoever thinks I’ve gotten my eyes lifted or whatever it’s called—it’s face tape! The oldest trick in the book. I’ve had this impostor syndrome where people made me feel like I didn’t deserve any of this. People always have something to say, but what I have to say is, I’ve always been misunderstood in my industry and by the people around me.”

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson Before and After Nose job
Robert Pattinson Before and After Nose job

One of the superstar actors with the largest female fan bases, Robert Pattinson, is naturally handsome and beautiful. But it never hurts to augment your natural beauty with a little medical tempering. The Twighlight and Batman star has definitely had a fair share of minor facial adjustments through surgery, his nose included. It is said that before becoming an actor, he intended to be a male model and, after failing, decided to get a nose job to look better. The Robert Pattinson nose job has definitely worked, improving his facial symmetry greatly. Pattinson’s nose surgery is one of the more subtle cases, with the results being difficult to spot, but various surgeons have come out to state minor surgical adjustments have definitely been performed. 

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilston
Paris Hilston Before and After Nose job

The “Heiress” to the Hotel Hilton collection, Paris Hilton has gone on to transcend her family name by becoming a popular media personality, singer, and actress. Paris Hilton was also considered as one of the most beautiful women in the world, and as with the other candidates for this title, there has always been speculaition about her beautification process. While Hilton herself has stated numerous times that she is “all natural” and denied getting a rhinoplasty surgery, the change in nasal form is so striking that we find it hard to believe. While an exact date cannot be given for the Paris Hilton nose job, we can surmise that she received several minor adjustments overtime as opposed to a single major operation. Regardless, Paris Hilton remains as beautiful after the surgery.

Janet Jackson 

Janet Jackson Before and After Nose job
Janet Jackson Before and After Nose job

Known for her attention to public issues in her songs, Janet Jackson is considered an icon of R&B music. But stepping into her 50s, there is little doubt that to maintain her appearance, she has had a fair share of surgeries across her body. Interestingly enough, Jackson herself has actually never confirmed receiving a single rhinoplasty surgery. So, there is no speculation about this issue. However, there are experts from the MYA Cosmetic Surgery Clinic who believe that she may have had more than one surgery done on her nose. Regardless of how many, the changes are easily visible in pictures through the years, and of course, the results are more than positive.

Kyle Richards

​Kyle Richards Before and After Rhinoplasty
​Kyle Richards Before and After Rhinoplasty

Kyle Richards, star of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," confirmed that she had a nose job in October 2020.

She shared the news in an Instagram post where she wrote: "Since so many of you were speculating what I did or did not do to my is your answer. I fixed my nose. I broke it last September and the bone poking out bothered me. So I fixed the bone, fixed my breathing problems and refined the tip. I will always tell you guys the truth."

She added: "This is my face and always will be. I just wanted to breathe and be able to ski, if I decide to ski. That's it for now. Let's not get too excited I don't even think I am going to like skiing."

Howard Stern

Howard Stern Before and After Nose job
Howard Stern Before and After Nose job

One of the most famous American TV and Radio hosts Howard Stern was known in his youth for his striking appearance, and his bumpy, crooked nose was part of this. After 2011, however, Stern appeared with a much thinner, altered nose that sparked immediate debate on whether he had received a nose job or not. While Stern himself was quick to shut down the rumors, the actual medical reports of the surgery were leaked on Xfinity, confirming that the radio host icon had indeed received surgery. Besides this, Stern’s drastic nasal change around 2011 is hard to miss, and it can confidently be stated that he received an extensive rhinoplasty surgery in that time.

Jennifer Grey

​Jennifer Grey Before and After Rhinoplasty
​Jennifer Grey Before and After Rhinoplasty

Jennifer Grey, best known for her role as Baby in "Dirty Dancing," has openly discussed her rhinoplasty. While she did not confirm the nose job through a direct quote, her surgery is widely known and has been widely discussed, including by Grey herself.

Grey's rhinoplasty is often referred to as one of the most dramatic transformations in Hollywood, so much so that it significantly changed her appearance and, according to her, affected her career.

She spoke about this in an interview with The Mirror in 2012, stating, "I went into the ­operating room a ­celebrity and came out anonymous." She further described it as the "nose job from hell" and said, "I'll always be this once-famous actress nobody ­recognizes because of a nose job."

While she did not confirm the surgery in a traditional sense, these comments from her make it clear that she did have the procedure and experienced significant consequences as a result. It's a decision she has expressed regret over due to the impact it had on her career.

Roseanne Barr

​Roseanne Barr Before and After Nose Reshaping
​Roseanne Barr Before and After Nose Reshaping

Roseanne Barr, the comedian and actress known for her sitcom "Roseanne," has been open about her experiences with plastic surgery, including a nose job. She has often spoken about it in interviews and her stand-up routines, stating that she wanted to change her looks as she was dissatisfied with her appearance.

In the early 90s, Barr underwent an extensive series of plastic surgeries, including breast reduction, tummy tuck, nose job, and facelift, followed by weight loss surgery in 1998. Although there's no statistical data, it's reasonable to assume that her candid disclosure about her transformation to Oprah, and various global newspapers, sparked a significant response

In one of her stand-up routines, she spoke humorously about her experience: "After a while, I went and got my nose fixed ... they showed it to me in a jar. It was as big as a beaver tail in there."

However, it's important to remember that Roseanne’s approach to discussing her surgeries, including her nose job, is often light-hearted and used for comedic effect.

Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow Before and After Nose Reshaping
Lisa Kudrow Before and After Nose Reshaping

Lisa Kudrow, the famous "Friends" actress, has openly shared her experience with rhinoplasty. In her case, the procedure took place during her teenage years, prior to her leap into Hollywood. Her candidness about the surgery reveals that she views it as a transformative point in her life.

​ During an interview with The Saturday Evening Post in 2013, Kudrow revealed, "I went from, in my mind, hideous, to not hideous. I did it the summer before going to a new high school. So there were plenty of people who wouldn’t know how hideous I looked before. That was a good, good, good change."

These comments suggest that Kudrow's rhinoplasty had a positive impact on her self-esteem and self-perception, particularly as she transitioned into a new social environment in high school. Her experience also adds to the larger conversation about the personal motivations and potential psychological benefits associated with cosmetic surgeries.

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling Before and After Rhinoplasty
Tori Spelling Before and After Rhinoplasty

Tori Spelling, the daughter of Hollywood mogul Aaron Spelling and known for her role in "Beverly Hills, 90210," is another celebrity who has openly discussed her experiences with plastic surgery. The rumors about her appearance changes began circulating in the 90s and have followed her throughout her career.

During an interview with "Entertainment Tonight" in 2014, Spelling finally addressed the speculations, saying, "I have had a nose job. But it was a long time ago. And when I did my stint on 'So NoTORIous,' I satirized it and made fun of myself, but it's something that I openly admit."

Her decision to be open about her rhinoplasty was rather brave, considering the stigma that often surrounds plastic surgery. This acknowledgment allows her to control the narrative about her body, and her willingness to discuss the topic publicly has contributed to breaking down the stigma around plastic surgery.

Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan Before and After Nose job
Rose McGowan Before and After Nose job

Rose McGowan, a well-known actress and activist, has publicly confirmed that she had undergone surgery on her nose. However, her case is somewhat unique as the surgery wasn't originally intended for cosmetic purposes.

In 2007, McGowan was in a car accident where her sunglasses cut her face and caused damage to her eye and nose. After the accident, she underwent surgery to correct the injuries. Later, there were speculations about her having a "nose job," to which she responded by clarifying the real reason behind her surgery.

During an interview with US Weekly in 2009, McGowan said, "I didn’t like the way it looked, so I got an operation. But the real story is, I had my glasses on, and I had a bad accident, the glasses kind of slit down my face. It tore my skin. That’s what it really was."

In that same interview, McGowan noted that she was unhappy with the overall result and needed a corrective operation. "Yeah, they went back in, I guess it was not successful, the doctor told me he was going to do it one way and did it another way and then it was a big mess," she explained.

Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Tisdale Before and After Nose Reshaping
Ashley Tisdale Before and After Nose Reshaping

Ashley Tisdale, best known for her role as Sharpay Evans in the "High School Musical" franchise, had a nose job in 2007. She confirmed that she underwent the surgery not for cosmetic reasons, but to correct a health issue.

Tisdale addressed the topic in an interview with People Magazine. She said, "I didn't do this because I believe in plastic surgery. I did this to help my health. I literally almost could not breathe out of the right side of my nose."

She went on to say, "Growing up I always knew I had a deviated septum on the right side of my nose, which caused trouble breathing. The older I got, the worse it got. I went to get it checked out, and the doctor told me the septum was 80 percent deviated and that I had two small fractures on my nose."

Tisdale has been open about her procedure to address potential rumors and clarify that her decision was made based on medical necessity rather than cosmetic desires.

Teresa Giudice

Teresa Giudice Before and After Nose Surgery
Teresa Giudice Before and After Nose Surgery

During an episode of Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Teresa Giudice, a 51-year-old star of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, revealed to viewers that she underwent a nose job in February 2021, remarking amusingly that "no one even noticed."

As reported by The Sun, Giudice had initially discussed her procedure at the New Jersey Ultimate Women's Expo held at the NJ Convention & Expo Center earlier in the month. She shared that she had made a minor alteration to the "tip" of her nose, admitting that the decision had made her quite anxious.

​ However, her fiancé Luis "Louie" Ruela offered his support. Giudice recalled, "I asked Louie, 'Babe, should I get my nose done?' and he responded, 'Is it going to make you feel better?' When I answered 'Yes,' he encouraged me to go ahead with it," as per the news outlet.

Courtney Love

Courtney Love Before and After Nose job
Courtney Love Before and After Nose job

Courtney Love, the frontwoman of the alternative rock band Hole and widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, has been open about her experience with plastic surgery, including a nose job.

In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Love candidly admitted to having had a rhinoplasty. She humorously commented on her past appearance, stating, "I was an ambitious actress and I had the same nose as my dad, and I got my nose fixed...And in six months, the whole world changed. It just happened... I got my nose job and, like, a week later, I was in 'Sid and Nancy' at Sundance."

By tying her transformation to her career's rapid advancement, Love indicated her belief that her altered appearance significantly impacted her life and career trajectory. However, it's essential to note that while physical appearance can play a role in Hollywood, Love's talent and unique style have also contributed significantly to her success.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks Before and After Nose Surgery
Tyra Banks Before and After Nose Surgery

Tyra Banks, the iconic supermodel and television personality, has been candid about her experience with cosmetic procedures. In her memoir, "Perfect Is Boring," which she co-wrote with her mother Carolyn London, Banks openly admitted to having a nose job early in her career.

​In an interview with People magazine discussing her book, she said, “I had bones in my nose that were growing and itching. I could breathe fine, but I added cosmetic surgery. I admit it! Fake hair, and I did my nose. I feel I have a responsibility to tell the truth.”

This confession from Tyra Banks about her rhinoplasty early in her career is an act of transparency in an industry often shrouded in secrecy regarding plastic surgery. By sharing her own experience, she hoped to open up a conversation about the pressures and standards of beauty in the modeling industry.

Farrah Abraham

​Farrah Abraham Before and After Nose job
​Farrah Abraham Before and After Nose job

Farrah Abraham, known for her role in MTV's "Teen Mom," confirmed that she had a nose job and chin implant in October 2012, part of her various cosmetic surgeries that she has openly discussed over the years.

She made a public statement about the surgeries to In Touch magazine, saying, "I've hated my nose since I was 13," and further commented on her chin, "I don't have to hate anything on my face ever again. I feel gorgeous!"

Farrah Abraham has often been candid about her decisions to undergo plastic surgery, including her rhinoplasty, and has expressed that she feels more confident and beautiful after the procedures. She's also emphasized that these procedures were a personal choice and that she believes individuals should be able to choose what they want to do with their own bodies.

Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson Before and After Nose Reshaping
Ashlee Simpson Before and After Nose Reshaping

Ashlee Simpson, the American pop singer and younger sister of Jessica Simpson, faced significant media attention and speculation about a possible rhinoplasty in 2006. She later confirmed those rumors in an interview with US Weekly, stating that she had indeed undergone a nose job, but she insisted that the decision was personal.

​When asked about her rhinoplasty, Simpson didn't directly admit to the procedure but her words strongly hinted towards it. She said, "As long as people have two eyes, you probably know the answer."

Later on, she emphasized that she believed in the importance of self-acceptance, saying, "I believe if somebody chooses to do plastic surgery it [should be] for yourself, not for anyone else."

Ashlee Simpson's openness about her rhinoplasty and her emphasis on self-love and acceptance have since served as a reminder that personal decisions about one's body should be made for oneself, not due to external pressures or opinions.

Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne Before and After Nose job
Erika Jayne Before and After Nose job

Erika Jayne, also known as Erika Girardi, is one of the most central figures in EDM music. While a subject of attention for her beauty throughout the late 90s and 2000s, Jayne actually got her nose job in the later years of her career. Her public appearances began to diminish around 2010, but even with this being the case, a very noticeable change in nasal structure appeared in the timespan between 2010 and 2015. In 2015, Erika Jayne herself opened up about her surgery, confirming it happened in an interview, but there are some. There are several renowned surgeons like Dr.Newman who have speculated that she has been under the blade more than once.

Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin Before and After Nose Surgery
Kathy Griffin Before and After Nose Surgery

Kathy Griffin, a well-known comedian and actress, has been open about her experiences with plastic surgery, including a nose job. In interviews and public appearances, she discussed the decision to undergo rhinoplasty and the reasons behind it.

In an interview with People magazine in 2016, Griffin revealed that she had undergone multiple cosmetic procedures throughout her career. She specifically mentioned getting a nose job early on to enhance her appearance. According to Griffin, she opted for the procedure because she felt self-conscious about her nose and wanted to feel more confident in Hollywood.

​Recalling the days she was repeatedly teased about her nose, she says: “I was told repeatedly, ‘You would be pretty if it weren’t for that nose. You’d work more if it weren’t for that nose. Hey have you considered getting a nose job? You would think I had a nose the size of Texas. I was young and impressionable and I was told that enough that I started to believe it, so I got a nose job.”

Griffin's openness about her cosmetic surgeries has been part of her comedic persona as well. She often jokes about her experiences with plastic surgery during stand-up performances and television appearances.

Heidi Montag

Heidi Montag Before and After Nose job
Heidi Montag Before and After Nose job

Heidi Montag, a reality TV star best known for her role on the show "The Hills," underwent several plastic surgeries, including a nose job, in one day. This happened in 2010 when she was only 23 years old. She confirmed and discussed these surgeries publicly, causing significant media buzz.

Here are some of her own words about her experience, from an interview with People Magazine in 2010:

"For the past three years, I've thought about what to have done. I'm beyond obsessed." Montag said. "I was made fun of when I was younger, and so I had insecurities, especially after I moved to L.A. People said I had a 'Jay Leno chin'; they'd circle it on blogs and say nasty things. It bothered me. And when I watched myself on The Hills, my ears would be sticking out like Dumbo! I just wanted to feel more confident and look in the mirror and be like, 'Whoa! That's me!' I was an ugly duckling before."

She also spoke about her surgeries, including her nose job, in other interviews. However, in later years she expressed regret for having so many procedures done at once and the toll it took on her health and well-being. Her experience serves as a cautionary tale about the pressures of fame and the potential dangers of excessive cosmetic surgery.

NeNe Leakes

NeNe Leakes Before and After Nose Reshaping
NeNe Leakes Before and After Nose Reshaping

NeNe Leakes, one of the stars of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta," has openly discussed having two rhinoplasty procedures. The first occurred before the third season of the show, while the second one took place around 2016.

In an interview with Andy Cohen on "Watch What Happens Live," after the second surgery, she confirmed the procedure and defended her decision, stating:

"Yes, I had my nose done again…It’s only day 13 so I’m very swollen. I’m the kind of girl who will give it to you straight – I got my nose done because I can, and I will, and I will get it done again if I want to, okay?"

Leakes further stated that the second surgery was also to correct cartilage growing in her nose, a residual issue from the first surgery. She's always been open about her decision to have cosmetic surgery, maintaining that it's a personal choice. She has also emphasized that everyone should feel free to make choices about their own bodies, as long as they are doing it for themselves and not for others.

Gia Giudice

​Gia Giudice Before and After Nose Reshaping
​Gia Giudice Before and After Nose Reshaping

Gia Giudice, the daughter of "Real Housewives of New Jersey" stars Teresa and Joe Giudice, confirmed that she had gotten a nose job in July 2020.

She publicly confirmed this in an Instagram post where she wrote: "yes I got a nose job. yes I’m swollen. thank you so much @drtobiasnyc I’m absolutely in love with it. I am an adult now, this has been an insecurity of mine for a while and I’ve never been happier and so comfortable in my own skin!!"

Her mother, Teresa Giudice, also confirmed the news and expressed her support for Gia's decision in her own Instagram post. She stated: "Couldn’t be more proud of you... You are beautiful inside and out. Love you to infinity and beyond."

Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Priyanka Chopra Jonas Before and After Nose Job
Priyanka Chopra Jonas Before and After Nose Job

Although most celebrity nose jobs are the subject of speculation and secrecy, and often the results are kind of hard to detect with the eye, the case of Priyanka Chopra Jones is none of these things. The famous model and Miss India received a botched nose job and have been open about the traumatic experience as well as the secondary revision rhinoplasty that resulted in fixing the damage done by the first surgery. The first surgery resulted in a collapse in her nasal bridge, a rare occurrence. She also talked about the online mockery that followed her botched surgery. Thankfully, the second surgery fixed her nose, and she looks stunning in her 40s.

Stephanie Pratt

Stephanie Pratt Before and After Rhinoplasty
Stephanie Pratt Before and After Rhinoplasty

The Hills reality show star Stephanie Pratt is another celebrity known for her beauty and modeling. As a result, her fan base has strongly followed her physical alterations since her meteoric rise to fame. While there are speculations around a possible nose job, we have first-hand expert opinion that confirms that a Stephanie Pratt nose job has actually taken place. Dr. Richard Marques has stated that despite the denial on the part of Pratt, it is strongly perceivable that she has had not one but several nose jobs throughout her acting career. He has gone on to elaborate that dermal fillers have also been used to enhance Pratt’s nose.

Camilla Coelho 

Camilla Coelho Before and After Nose Reshaping
Camilla Coelho Before and After Nose Reshaping

One of the lesser-known people on this list in the Western scene, Camila Coelho, is nonetheless one of the most famous models in the Latin world, specifically in her home country of Brazil, where she is considered one of the best models in the history of the country. Coelho has publicly talked about her surgery. And the fat of the matter is it is hard to see a difference to see the subtle difference with the naked eye. However, she stated the reason behind getting the surgery was the fact that she wanted to be confident even without makeup. She looks great before and after the surgery; she is open about it, and the results are great.

Dina Cantin

Dina Cantin Before and After Nose job
Dina Cantin Before and After Nose job

In an Instagram post, Dina Cantin (formerly Dina Manzo), alum of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey," confirmed that her changed appearance is due to a two-year-old nose job and a few other "tweaks". This came after a photo of her, posted by Teresa Giudice, sparked fan speculation.

​She acknowledged her different look, explaining, "When the thing on the center of your face changes you're gonna look different." She elaborated that she decided to get her nose fixed two years ago, and while under anesthesia, she had some additional tweaks done by @drghavami to avoid the need for fillers, which she dislikes and finds expensive.

Cantin admitted that she initially struggled to adjust to her new nose in the first year post-surgery. However, now that the swelling has subsided, she has grown fond of her new appearance.

Ferne McCann

Ferne McCann Before and After Nose Surgery
Ferne McCann Before and After Nose Surgery

Farne McCann is another example of a brave celebrity who has come forward with her nose surgery story publically in a move that should encourage other celebrities to also be open about their experiences. McCann, who rose to fame for her role in several prominent English TV shows, unveiled her story and new nose In an emotional episode of the TV show This Morning in 2016. She mentioned being insecure about her nose since she was 12, and that is the reason behind the surgery. The move sparked online debate and major support for the TV star for her brave act. We can also safely say that her surgery has also turned out great.

Rebecca Adlington

Rebecca Adlington Before and After Nose job
Rebecca Adlington Before and After Nose job

Rebecca Adlington is a celebrity who, unlike most other people on this list, rose to fame not through the entertainment industry but as a world-class athlete swimmer. Adlington, who is a four-time Olympics medalist, also has a bitter experience with her nose job, but this is not the result of the surgery being botched, but rather the online mockery that the exemplary athlete received following the procedure. Due to these online harassment cases, she has refused to actually confirm the surgeries taking place. But there is little doubt that she has a striking change in nasal structure. Resulting in a streamlined nose.

Miley Cyrus

miley cyrus nose job
Miley Cyrus Before and After Nose job

Miley Cyrus is among the celeberities that not only are the most talked about regarding their beauty, but also one of the most ardent deniers of ever having received any cosmetic surgery. But once again the eyes show what the words can’t.  Dr. Gary Linov a preier contouring and rhinoplasty surgeon specialist, has stated that Cyrus’ nose has had its bridge narrowed and the tip adjusted, adding that the nose definitly looks smaller overall compared to pictures of the early Miley Cyrus. He goes on to note that the surgery is very easy to miss, because it happened so early in her career. But if you look at Miley Cyrus early in her career, and compare it to her after her rise to fame, you can see that before she became the spotlight star we have all known in these years, she had a nose job that we all missed.

Brie Larson


Brie Larson
Brie Larson Before and After Nose job

Rising to meteoric fame after her iconic portrayal of the female superhero Captain Marvel, Brie Larsson has also been the subject of debate about her facial appearance many times. In particular, she has been a hot topic about the form of her nose in the period of 2020 to 2021, where a noticeable change of structure in her nose became visible. This change has not been the only potential surgery evidence. There have been minor adjustments to her nose all the way back in 2015 and 2016. There is also a bump that has completely disappeared from her nose through the years. We can’t point to a specific surgery about Larsson. But can we say that at least a Brie Larsson nose job happened at some point? Definitly yes. 

Last Word

As we draw the curtain on our dive into the world of celebrity rhinoplasty, it's essential to recognize the celebrities who have taken the bold step of openly discussing their cosmetic procedures. Each of their unique stories, spanning reasons both aesthetic and health-related, brings a sense of transparency and honesty into a world where the quest for perfection can often veil reality.

However, it's equally crucial to note that this list is not exhaustive. Many other celebrities are rumored to have gone under the knife, with speculations fueled by noticeable transformations over the years. Some of these stars include the likes of superstar singer Taylor Swift, Hollywood heartthrob Zac Efron, and even the royal Kate Middleton.

While these are merely speculations, with no official confirmation, they serve to underscore the pervasive prevalence of cosmetic surgery within the entertainment industry. But whether these rumors hold any truth or not, it's a testament to the evolving standards of beauty and the increasing acceptance of one's choice to enhance their looks.

Yet, at the end of the day, it's important to remember that these procedures are a deeply personal decision, undertaken for a variety of reasons. And the individuals who choose to share their experiences, like the 50 celebrities we've covered, do so to demystify the process, break down the stigmas, and contribute to an open conversation about self-improvement in the 21st century

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Comments (13)


How about Ivanka and Melania. So many. Really, if i had half the nerve. I 'd have done it years ago.

Reply to Jezebel

I'm not sure they are celebrity or not


Where is Pammie?

Reply to Mako

You mean Pamela Anderson?


Adrienne Maloof and Tori Spelling are celebrities had worst nose jobs, after is worse than before !!


Nose jobs have been a well-kept secret in Hollywood, but it's nice to see some celebs talking openly about their nose jobs

Reply to LilyWilliams88

most of celebrities do not like about their surgeries they like to show themselves natural even with doing any operation they say this is my own i had it as i was child


Kendall Jenner and Selena Gomez had nose job surgery too it is not in this list

mandy s
Reply to em09

It is not all about nose surgery they have more more surgery in their face and body

I'm not surprised that many celebs have had nose jobs, but it's always intriguing to see the before-and-after pics.

Wow, I had no idea Jennifer Aniston had a nose job for medical reasons! That's pretty cool how open she's been about it.


It's fascinating how the rumors about Marilyn Monroe's plastic surgeries only emerged years after her passing. The mystery surrounding her is part of what makes her so iconic.


I've wondered about Anne Hathaway's nose, and it's cool that she's straightforward about it. It's all about personal choices, and she owns it!

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