Dr. Gianluca Campiglio
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon
- Milan, Italy
- English, Italian
- 25 years of experience
About Doctor Gianluca Campiglio
- Degree cum laude in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan with a thesis on the reconstruction of the face after cancer and trauma
- Specialization cum laude in Plastic Surgery at the University of Milan with a thesis on congenital malformations of the upper limb
- Specialization cum laude in Microsurgery at the University of Milan with a thesis on the effect of skin expansion on axial flaps
- PhD in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at the University of Milan with a thesis on tissue engineering and adult stem cells
- Registration with the Provincial Order of Surgeons of Milan (number 29829)
- a scholarship from the Italian Ministry of Health on breast reconstruction after mastectomy
- a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Milan on new types of microsurgical flaps
- a scholarship within the ERASMUS project
- a scholarship from EURAPS (European Association of Plastic Surgeons)
- Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AICPE) which he founded in 2011 together with other renowned Italian plastic surgeons
- Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE)
- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) of which he was also a member of the Board of Directors from 2010 to 2020 and World Vice-President
- American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) of which since 2005 he is a member of the International Commission
- American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS)
- Mediterranean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (MESAPS) of which he was also secretary.
Performed Solutions
Dr. Gianluca Campiglio's B & A Photos
Office photos
Contact Dr. Gianluca Campiglio
- Via Tranquillo Cremona 12, 20145 Milan, Italy
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