Dr. Erkan Soylu
Otolaryngologist & ENT Surgeon
- Istanbul, Turkey
- English, Turkish
- 18 years of experience
About Doctor Erkan Soylu
Dr. Erkan Soylu is an ENT, head and neck and rhinoplasty surgeon based in Istanbul, Türkiye. Apart from various non-cosmetic ENT surgeries he performs, he is famous for his cosmetic nose and ear procedures.
Dr. Erkan Soylu was born in 1977 in Elazig, Türkiye. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2002. After successfully passing the Turkish medical specialty program entrance exam known as TUS in the same year, he completed a 5-year residency program at the department of otolaryngology (ENT) of Haseki Training and Research Hospital in Istanbul.
Having finished his specialty training, Dr. Soylu served his mandatory service at Doğubeyazıt State Hospital between 2008 and 2009. He spent two years practicing in his hometown at Elazig Training and Research Hospital and then joined Medipol University Hospital, one of the largest private medical centers in Türkiye, where he has been offering service at its ENT clinic since 2012.
Dr. Erkan Soylu was appointed as Associate Professor in 2016 and Professor in 2022. He has published numerous scientific articles in national and international journals.
- M.D., Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Türkiye, 1996 - 2002
- Residency, ENT, Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2002 - 2007.
Thesis title: “Open Functional Neck Dissection: Electrophysiological Status of Neck Muscles and Spinal Accessory Nerve”
- Dogubeyazit State Hospital, Dogubeyazit, Türkiye, 2007 – 2009
- Elazig Training and Research Hospital, Elazig, Türkiye, 2009 – 2012
- Medipol Mega University Hospital, Istanbul, Türkiye, since 2012
- Experimental Animal Use Certificate, 2-13 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
- Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Competency Board Certificate, 29 November 2014, Izmir, Turkey
- Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association ENT Schools Certificate, Rhinology, Rhinoplasty, Allergy, Sleep School, 2015 Education Term
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Rhinology Association
- Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association
- Ear Nose Throat and Head and Neck Surgery Association 6th International Meeting 'Minimally Invasive Approaches in ENT, 11-13 December 2003, Hiltonsa Hotel- Ankara
- Uludag 2004 ENT Days, 4-7 March 2004 Grand Yazici Hotel- Uludag
- Istanbul Masterclass 2004, 25-26 November 2004, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul
- Otorhinolaryngology 2004 'Current Innovations' 7-9 October 2004, Ankara
- External Septorhinoplasty from A to Z, 5-7 May 2004, Malatya
- Otitis Symposium 2005, 8 January 2005, Swissotel- Istanbul
- Palandöken Ear Nose and Throat Symposium, 17-21 March 2005, Erzurum
- Behbut Cevanşir Treatment Days in Head and Neck Cancers, 13-14 May 2005, Istanbul
- Rebirth of the Nose, 23-25 November 2005, Eskişehir
- Uludağ 2006 ENT Days 'Adenoid and Tonsil Diseases', 2-5 March 2006, Garnd Yazıcı Hotel- Uludağ
- 2nd National Rhinology Congress, 23-26 February Hilton Hotel, Istanbul
- National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 26-31 May 2007, Antalya
- Asthma and Rhinitis Days, 5-8 March 2009, Acapulco Hotel-North Cyprus TC
- Harvard Applications in Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Cappadocia-Turkey, 30 April-3 May 2009
- 7th Turkish Rhinology Congress, 19-22 May-2011, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort, Antalya
- Rebirth of the Nose, Mardin-2011
- Rhinocamp- Fethiye, Lykiaworld- Fethiye, 16-20 May 2012
A. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals (SCI, SSCI, SCI-E):
A1. I. Orhan , R. Dogan, E. Soylu , F. Aksoy , B. Veyseller , O. Ozturan , M. Esrefoglu , MS Aydın . Histopathological evaluation of Ankaferd blood stopper use in the rabbit septoplasty model. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Mar;79(3):305-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.11.015. (Original article)(SCI)
A2. C. Polat , M. Aydın , Ö. Sakallıoğlu , A. Akyiğit , S. Ünsal , E. Soylu , E. Keleş . Evaluation of the effects of phototherapy on cochlear function in newborns. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;78(12):2068-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.09.06. Epub 2014 Sep 18. (Original article)(SCI)
A3. E. Soylu, I. Orhan , F. Yilmaz , A. Cakir , O.F. I play. Oropharyngeal branchial cyst in a young child. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 May;25(3):e218-20. doi: 10.1097/SCS.00000000000000400. (Case report)(SCI-E)
A4. I. Orhan , F. Palit , S. Aydin , E. Soylu , O. Sakallioglu . Tympanometric changes and eustachian tube function in patients with hypothyroidism. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 May;25(3):e230-3. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000000513. (Original article)(SCI-E)
A5. O. Sakallıoğlu , S. Düzer , Z. Kapusuz , E. Soylu . The evaluation of nasal mucociliary activity after septoplasty and external septorhinoplasty. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Aug;65(Suppl 2):360-5. doi: 10.1007/s12070-012-0532-7. Epub 2012 Oct 13. (Original article)(SCI-E)
A6. HE IS. Sakallioğlu , C. Polat , E. Soylu , S. Düzer , İ. Orhan, A. Akyigit. The efficacy of tranexamic Acid and corticosteroid on edema and ecchymosis in septorhinoplasty. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Apr;74(4):392-6. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0b013e3182a1e527. (Original article)(SCI)
A7. E. Soylu , N. Soylu , YS Yıldırım , Ö. Sakallioglu , C. Polat , I. Orhan. Psychiatric disorders and symptoms severity in patients with adenotonsillar hypertrophy before and after adenotonsillectomy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Oct;77(10):1775-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2013.08.020. Epub 2013 Aug 28. (Original article)(SCI)
A8. I. Orhan , T. Ormeci , S. Aydin , G. Altin , E. Urger , E. Soylu , F. Yilmaz . Morphometric analysis of the maxillary sinus in patients with nasal septum deviation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Apr;271(4):727-32. doi: 10.1007/s00405-013-2617-7. Epub 2013 Jul 6. (Original article)(SCI-E)
A9. E. Soylu , N. Soylu , YS Yıldırım , C. Polat , O. Sakallıoğlu . The prevalence of psychiatric symptoms in preschool children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Jul;77(7):1094-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2013.04.005. Epub 2013 May 2. (Original article)(SCI)
A10. B. Veyseller , F. Aksoy , O. Ozturan , H. Acar , B. Ertaş , FG Bayraktar , E. Soylu , YS Yildirim . Open functional neck dissection: surgical efficacy and electrophysiologic status of the neck and accessory nerve. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010 Aug;39(4):403-9. (Original article)(SCI-E)
A11. E. Soylu, I. Orhan , A. Cakir , A. Istanbullu , G. Altin , R. Yilmazer , OF Calim . Effect of a mustache on nasal Staphylococcus aureus colonization and nasal cytology results in men. J Laryngol Auto. 2015 Feb;129(2):155-8. doi: 10.1017/S002221511400334X. Epub 2015 Jan 20. (Original article)(SCI-E)
A12. H. Ucak , E. Soylu , S. Ozturk , B. Demir , D. Cicek , I. Erden, A. Akyigit. Audiological abnormalities in patients with alopecia areata. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2014 Aug;28(8):1045-8. doi: 10.1111/jdv.12259. Epub 2013 Sep 4. (Original article)(SCI)
A13. E. Soylu, S. Emir, YS Yildirim. Permanent Bilateral Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss after Acute Abdominal Surgery under General Anesthesia. int. Adv. highway 2013; 9:(2) 279-282. (Case report)(SCI-E)
A14. E. Soylu , B. Kersin , P. Karaaslan , O.F. Çalim , G. Altın , E. Tercan . Effect of anesthesia without a neuromuscular blocking agent on intraoperative bleeding in adenotonsillectomy patients. 2015 Jun;79(6):909-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.04.007 (Original article)(SCI)
A15. HE IS. Sakallioğlu , C. Cingi , C. Polat , E. Soylu , A. Akyigit , H. Soken . Open versus closed septorhinoplasty approaches for postoperative edema and ecchymosis. J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Jun;26(4):1334-7. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000001715.
A16. R. Yılmazer, B. Kersin, E. Soylu, G. Altın, A. Çakır, F. Yılmaz. Transoral endoscopic resection of bilateral oropharyngeal hairy polyps in a newborn. Accepted in the Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, currently in publication.
B. Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings:
B1. E. Soylu , B. Kersin , O.F. Çalim, O. Askiner and G. Altin. "Antrolith: Sinolith in the maxillary sinus", P207 pp.251, Ankara, Turkey, April 2014
B2. E. Soylu, N. Soylu, YS Yildirim, O. Sakallioglu, C. Polat, I. Orhan. “Psychiatric morbidity in patients with adenotonsillar hypertrophy before and after adenotonsillectomy” in the Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology booklet within the 5th International Congress on Psychopharmacology congress. 2013;23(Suppl. 1):S89-S90. Oct 30-nov 3, 2013, Antalya, Turkey.
B3. C. Polat, O. Sakallioglu, A. Akyigit, E. Soylu, N. Ozer. EP681 Otology, Neuro-Otology and Skull Base Surgery(OT) E-Poster Chronic Otitis Media at the IFOS 20th World Congress. A Case of Aural Myiasis. June 1-5, 2013, Seoul, Korea
C. Written National / International Books or Chapters in the Book:
C2.1 EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES WITH CASE, Department name: (ACUTE RINOSINUSITIS) (2014., SOYLU ERKAN, Dolay Handan, Bayçınar medical publishing, Editor: Fatma Tülin Kayhan, Turkish(Scientific Book)
D. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals
D1. E. Soylu, B. Kersin, O.F. Çalim, O. Askiner, G. Gold. Sinolith in the Maxillary Sinus: A Case Report. CausaPedia. 2015;4:1078.
D2. I. Orhan, E. Soylu, G. Altın, F. Yılmaz, Ö.F. Çalim, T. Örmec. Analysis of Paranasal Sinus Anatomical Variations by Computed Tomography. Abant Medical Journal. doi: 10.5505/abantmedj.2014.84803.
D3. B. Veyseller, O. Özturan, F. Aksoy, FGI. Bayraktar, E. Soylu. Open technique functional neck dissection. Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology / Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol/ Volume 46, Issue/ Number 3, 2008.
D4. C. Polat, M. Baykara, Ö. Sakallıoğlu, E. Soylu, S. Yüce, A. Akyiğit. A Case of Aural Atresia. Fırat Medical Journal/Firat Med J 2013; 18(4): 249-251.
D5. C. Polat, O. Sakallioglu, A. Akyigit, E. Soylu, N. Ozer. Ear myiasis after mastoidectomy: a case report. Dicle Medical Journal. 2013; 40(4): 663-64. doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.04.0353.
D6. F. Aksoy, H. Demirhan, YS Yıldırım, E. Soylu, Z. Tatar. Castleman's Disease: Two Cases of the Hyaline Vascular Type. ENT Post. Volume 17, issue 3, 2007.
D7. F. Aksoy, E. Soylu, YS Yıldırım, B. Veyseller, B. Ertaş, H. Demirhan. Nasal Application of Infrared Tympanic Thermometer. ENT Post. Volume 17, issue 4, 2007.
D8. M. Baykara, C. Polat, BC Uysal, E. Soylu, S. Yüce, S. Düzer. Inferior concha bullosa. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal. 2013; 35: 411-413.
D9. HE IS. Sakallioglu, C. Polat, E. Soylu, I. Orhan, HB Altinsoy. Contralateral profound hearing loss after head trauma: A case report. Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology / Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol / Volume 49, Issue / Number 3, 2011.
D10. C. Polat, O. Sakallıoğlu, A. Akyiğit, S. Yüce, E. Soylu, M. Baykara. Isolated Inverted Papilloma Incidentally Detected in the Maxillary Sinus. Turkish J Rhinology 2014;3(2).
D11. M. Baykara, C. Polat, E. Soylu, Ö. Sakallioglu, S. Yuce. A case of monostotic fibrous dysplasia with middle turbinate involvement. Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology /Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol /Volume 49, Issue /Number 3, 2011.
D12. E. Soylu, A. Keleş, Ö.F Çalım, C. Günay. Intraoral Approach Treatment of Giant Wharton's Canal Stone. CausaPedia. 2015;4:1255
D13. E. Soylu, AM Tekin, O.F. Çalim, C. Gunay, F. Yilmaz. Mucosele in Nasal Dorsum. ENTCase. 2015; 1(2):100-104.
E. Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings
E1. E. Soylu, A. Yenigün, Ö.F Çalım, F. Yılmaz, İ.H Can. "The Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis in Patients with Paranasal Sinus Anatomical Variations" in the "36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Abstract Book" within the scope of the 36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, S pp., [ SS-035] Antalya, Turkey, November 2014
E2. E. Soylu, B. Kersin, P. Sesli, O.F. Çalim, G. Altın, E. Tercan. Within the scope of the 36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery conference, "The Effect of Non-Neuromuscular Blocker Anesthesia on Intraoperative Bleeding in Patients who underwent Adenotonsillectomy" in the proceedings booklet of "36. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Abstract Book", S pp., [SS-133] Antalya, Turkey, November 2014
E3. E. Soylu, A. Keleş, Ö.F. Çalim, C. Gunay. Within the scope of the 36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery conference, "The Treatment of Giant Wharton Canal Stone with Intraoral Approach" in the "36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Abstract Book", P pp., [ PS-033] Antalya, Turkey, November 2014
E4. HE IS. Sakallioglu, C. Polat, E. Soylu, A. Akyigit. During the 9th Turkish Rhinology Congress conference. "Comparison of Open and Closed Septorhinoplasty procedures in terms of postoperative edema and ecchymosis" in the "Proceedings Summary Book" P 010. 23-26 May 2013, Antalya, Turkey.
E5. C. Polat, M. Baykara, Ö. Sakallioglu, E. Soylu, S. Yuce. 34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. “Aural Atresia Case” in the abstract booklet P-101. 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
E6. C. Polat, O. Sakallıoğlu, A. Akyiğit, E. Soylu, S. Yüce, S. Düzer. During the 9th Turkish Rhinology Congress conference. "Hemangioma on the Lip: A Case Report" in the "Proceedings Abstract Book" P055. 23-26 May 2013, Antalya, Turkey.
E7. C. Polat, M. Baykara, BC. Uysal, E. Soylu, S. Yüce, S. Düzer. 33. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. “Inferior Concha Bullosa”. P150. 26-30 October 2011 Antalya, Turkey.
E8. C. Polat, O. Sakallıoğlu, A. Akyiğit, S. Yüce, E. Soylu, M. Baykara. During the 9th Turkish Rhinology Congress conference. “Isolated Inverted Papilloma of the Maxillary Sinus” in the booklet of "Proceedings Abstract Book".P054. 23-26 May 2013, Antalya, Turkey.
E9. M. Baykara, C. Polat, E. Soylu, Ö. Sakallioglu, S. Yuce. 34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. “Monostotic Fibrous Dysplasia with Middle Concha Involvement” P-185 in the "Proceedings Abstract Book", 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
E10. E. Soylu, N. Soylu, YS Yıldırım, C. Polat, Ö. Sakallioglu. 34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. “Psychic Disorders and the Frequency of Mental Symptoms in Children with Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy” in the "Proceedings Abstract Book". P-424. 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
E11. E. Soylu, S. Emir, YS Yıldırım, C. Polat, Ö. Sakallioglu. 34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Proceedings Abstract Book, “Bilateral Deep Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Acute Abdominal Surgery” in the booklet. P-118. 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
E12. HE IS. Sakallıoğlu, E. Soylu, C. Polat, ZK Gencer, S. Düzer. 34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. "Total Hearing Loss in the Opposite Ear After Head Injury: A Case Report" in the "Proceedings and Abstract Book". P-094. 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
E13. HE IS. Sakallıoğlu, C. Polat, E. Soylu, S. Düzer, ZK Gencer. 34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. "A Case Report with Sphenochoanal Polyp" in the "Proceedings Abstract Book". P-197. 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
E14. HE IS. Sakallıoğlu, C. Polat, E. Soylu, S. Düze, ZK Gencer. 34. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. "Evaluation of the Effects of Tranexamic Acid on the Morbidity of Open Technique Septorhinoplasty" in the "Proceedings Abstract Book". P-22. 10-14 October 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
E15. A. Akyay, E. Soylu, S. Unsal, H. Demirkol, S. Bahçeci. 4th Pediatric Hematology Symposium. “The Effect of Vitamin B12 Deficiency on Hearing in Children” in the booklet of "Proceedings Abstract Book". P101. 30 May-1 June 2014, Eskişehir, Turkey.
E16. E. Soylu, A. Keleş, Ö.F. Çalim, G. Altın, F. Yılmaz. 11. Turkish Rhinology Congress. A case of langerhans cell histiocytosis in the nasal septum in the "Proceedings Abstract Book". PP 068. 16-19 April 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
E17. E. Soylu, B. Kersin, O.F. Çalim, O. Askiner, F. Yilmaz. 11th Turkish Rhinology Congress. Trichoepithelioma case on cheek in the booklet of "Proceedings Abstract Book". PP 141. 16-19 April 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
E18. E. Soylu, F. Yilmaz, O.F. Çalim, C. Gunay, AM Tekin. 11th Turkish Rhinology Congress. A case of mucocele on the back of the nose in the "Proceedings and Abstract Book". PP 164. 16-19 April 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
E19. HE IS. Askiner, F. Yilmaz, O.F. Çalim, E. Soylu, B. Kersin. 11th Turkish Rhinology Congress. Bifocal Extramedullary sinonasal plasmacytoma: Case report and Turkish literature review. PP-167. 16-19 April 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
E20. C. Gunay, E. Soylu, AM Tekin. A case of inverted papilloma in a patient who presented with unilateral ear pain. 11th Turkish Rhinology Congress. Proceedings Abstract Book" PP-161 in the proceedings booklet. 16-19 April 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
E21. C. Gunay, E. Soylu, N. Ozcelik, G. Altin, YA Bayazit. 11th Turkish Rhinology Congress. Evaluation of Nasal Mucociliary Transport Speed in Mobile Phone Users with Saccharin Test in the "Proceedings Summary Book". SS-042.. 16-19 April 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
E22. C. Polat , M. Aydın , Ö. Sakallıoğlu , A. Akyiğit , S. Ünsal , E. Soylu , E. Keleş . "Evaluation of the effect of phototherapy on hearing in newborns" in the "36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Abstract Book" within the scope of the 36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. PS-440. Antalya, Turkey, November 2014.
E23. Aksoy F., O. Özturan, E. Soylu, “Nasal Infrared Thermometer Application”, 29. Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 26-31 May, Antalya, 2007.
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Contact Dr. Erkan Soylu
- TEM Avrupa Otoyolu Göztepe Çıkışı No:, D:1, 34214 Bağcılar, Istanbul, Turkey
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