In general, you are likely a good candidate for Liposuction if you have adequate fat stores in other areas to harvest for injection into the buttocks,which in your case seems to be quite the perfect case. İt is suggested that patients with a BMI below 30 are eligible for a fat transfer procedure. Patients who are very thin might not be good candidates for the Brazilian butt lift since they may not have enough fat available for a fat graft. Regarding your case, you seem to be quite skinny. But if you arent happy with how your body looks like, you can make some small changes by undergoing a liposuction to reduce the extra fat on your lower back and your flanks. It would definitely give you a more pleasant look. Anyways, I would suggest you to firstly do a research on a good surgeon and have an appointment with him/her so he can evaluate the case and make sure you are in good overall health before having any procedure.
Is my body type considered too slim for liposuction?
Is my body type considered too slim for liposuction?
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