Asli Coban

Dr. Asli Coban


  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Arabic, English, Turkish
  • 17 years of experience

About Doctor Asli Coban

Dr. Aslı Çoban, an esthetician dentist, was born in Istanbul in 1985. She completed her secondary education at Private Kültür Science High School and later pursued her higher education at Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, graduating in 2008.

In 2008, Dr. Aslı Çoban founded the Aslı Çoban Oral and Dental Health Clinic in Bakırköy, Istanbul, where she has provided dental care to a diverse group of patients. Under her leadership, this clinic has become a respected destination for oral and dental health, thanks to its expert dental team and healthcare staff.

Dr. Aslı Çoban believes in the importance of tailored healthcare for every patient. Her goal as a dentist is to ensure that each patient receives quality care during their visit.

  • Founder and Dentist at Aslı Çoban Oral and Dental Health Clinic, Dec 2008 - Present (14 years, 11 months)
  • Private Office / Muayenehane, Dec 2008 - Present (14 years, 11 months)
  • Dentist Aesthetic Dentistry, Jan 2008 - Present (15 years, 10 months)
  • 6th International Quintessence Symposium 2008
  • 8th International Quintessence Symposium 2011

Performed Solutions

Office photos

Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after

Contact Dr. Asli Coban

  • Zuhuratbaba, İNCİRLİ CD, Alemdar Sk. APT. NO:79 D:4, 34147 Bakırköy, Istanbul, Turkey
[email protected]

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