Orhan Babuccu

Dr. Orhan Babuccu

Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • English, Turkish
  • 32 years of experience

About Doctor Orhan Babuccu

Dr. Orhan Babuccu, born on March 27, 1967 in Erdek, completed his primary and secondary education in his hometown before graduating from Istanbul Kabataş High School in 1984. In the same year, he joined Marmara University's Faculty of Medicine.

Dr. Babuccu embarked on his specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 1993 and successfully completed it in 1999. Following this, he spent time as a researcher at the Cleveland Clinic in the USA, gaining additional training in microsurgery.

On his return to his home country, Dr. Babuccu established the Department of Plastic Surgery at Zonguldak Karaelmas University, where he served as the founding head for 12 years.

Progressing in his career, doctor Babuccu attained the rank of an associate professor in 2005 and became a professor in 2010. He started his tenure at Bahçeşehir University's Faculty of Medicine in 2012. Over the years, he took on various roles including Vice Dean (2013-2014) and the head of the Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (2013-2018).

Between 2014 and 2017, Dr Babuccu served as the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Bahçeşehir University. Alongside his colleague and wife, Berfu Babucçu, he co-founded the Babucçu Aesthetics Center in Nişantaşı, Istanbul, in 2014. To date, he remains a founding partner and practitioner at Babucçu Estetik.

Dr Babuccu is affiliated with several national and international medical associations. His professional focus includes breast surgery, body contouring surgery, post-bariatric (post weight loss) surgery, and microsurgery. 

Outside of his professional life, Dr. Babuccu enjoys spending time with his family, reading books, and appreciating art. He is married and has two children.

  • High School Education, Kabataş High School for Boys, Istanbul, Turkey, Graduation: 1984.
  • M.D., Medicine, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, Graduation: 1991.
  • Residency, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, Completed: 1999.
  • Fellowship, Microsurgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, USA, Completed: 1999.
  • Research Assistant, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, 1993 - 1999
  • Research Fellow, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, OH-USA, July 1999 – June 2000
  • Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Assistant Professor, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Faculty of Medicine, July 1999 – April 2005
  • Associate Professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Faculty of Medicine, April 2005 – September 2010
  • Founding Head of Department, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2001 - 2010
  • Professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, September 2010 – 2012
  • Professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, September 2012 – 2017
  • Founding Head of Department, Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2012 - 2017
  • Deputy Dean, Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Medicine, 2012 - 2014
  • Dean, Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Health Sciences, 2014 - 2017
  • Babuccu Co-Founder of Surgical Arts, 2014 - Present
  • Turkish Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association
  • Turkish Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
  • Burn Treatment and Burn Protection Association
  • The International Confederation of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS)
  • The European Wound Management Association (EWMA)
  • The International Society of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

Managed Master's Theses

  • Yilmaz, C. "Detection of Cost and Labor Loss in Chronic Wounds." Zonguldak Karaelmas University, 2005.

Managed Specialization Theses

  • Babucçu, B. "The Effect of Muscle Denervation with Botulinum Toxin Type-A During Growth Period on Craniofacial Morphology: Experimental Study in Rats." Zonguldak Karaelmas University, 2006.
  • Tekerekoğlu, B. "The Effect of Mesotherapy on Flap Viability: Experimental Study." Zonguldak Karaelmas University, 2008.
  • Kaya, B. "Comparison of Silver-Containing Hydrofiber and Ozonated Oil in the Dressing of Partial-Thickness Thermal Burns: An Experimental Study." Zonguldak Karaelmas University, 2011.

A. Articles Published in SCI//SCIE Journals

  • A1. Ünsal, M., Gürünluoğlu, R., Babucçu, O., Carnavale, K., and Siemionow, M. "Effect of Long-Term Cyclosporine Administration on Muscle Flap Hemodynamics." Ann Plast Surg, 48(3), 305-311 (2002).
  • A2. Babucçu, O., Gözil, R., Özmen, S., Bahçelioğlu, M., Latifoğlu, O., and Çelebi, MC. "Gluteal Region Morphology: The Effect of Weight Gain and Aging." Aesth Plast Surg, 26(3), 130-133 (2002).
  • A3. Meirer, R., Babucçu, O., Ünsal, M., Nair, DR., Gürünluoğlu, R., Skugor, B., Meirer, B., and Siemionow, M. "Effect of Chronic Cyclosporine Administration on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: A Dose-response Study." Ann Plast Surg, 49(1), 96-103 (2002).
  • A4. Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., Babucçu, B., and Işıkdemir, A. "Cost-effective Alternative for the Micromotor System in Animal Studies." Plast Reconstr Surg, 110(3), 724 (2002).
  • A5. Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., and Babucçu, B. "Lipoma Removal with Mini Incision." Ann Plast Surg, 49(2), 220-221 (2002).
  • A6. Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., Babuccu, B., and Işıkdemir, A. "Another Practical Method for Arm Restraint in Children with Cleft Lip/Palate." Plast Reconstr Surg, 110(4), 1185-1186 (2002).
  • A7. Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, B., and Altınyazar, C. "Complications of Minor Cutaneous Surgery in Patients Under Anticoagulant Treatment." Aesth Plast Surg, 26(6), 483-485 (2002).
  • A8. Babuccu, O. "A New and Objective Definition of the Term of Indefinite Survival in Organ Transplantation in Animal Model." Transpl Int, 16(1), 58-60 (2003).
  • A9. Altunkaya, H., Özer, Y., Kargı, E., and Babucçu, O. "The Comparison Of The Local Anesthetic Effects of Intradermal Tramadol with Prilocaine In Minor Surgical Procedures." Brt J Anesth, 90(3), 320-322 (2003).
  • A10. Kargı, E., Altınyazar, HC, Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Numanoğlu, G., and Babucçu, B. "An Atypical Lesion on the Forehead: Warty Dyskeratoma." Plast Reconstr Surg, 111(4), 1562-1563 (2003).
  • A11. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., and Altınyazar, C. "Dual Preconditioning: Effects of Pharmacological Plus Ischemic Preconditioning on Skin Flap Survival." Ann Plast Surg, 50(4), 398-402 (2003).
  • A12. Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Babucçu, B., and Işıkdemir, A. "Polypoid Formation of Cysts in Scrotal Calcinosis: An Uncommon Case." Plast Reconstr Surg, 111(7), 2117-2118 (2003).
  • A13. Babucçu, O., Latifoğlu, O., Atabay, A., Oral, N., and Coşan, B. "Sociological Aspects of Rhinoplasty." Aesth Plast Surg, 27(1), 44-49 (2003).
  • A14. Babucçu, O., Işıksaçan Özen, Ö., Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., and Babucçu, B. "The Place of the Fine Needle Aspiration in the Preoperative Diagnosis of the Congenital Sublingual Teratoid Cyst." Diagn Cytopathol, 29(1), 33-37 (2003).
  • A15. Altınyazar, HC, Kargı, E., Özen, Ö., Koca, R., and Babucçu, O. "Multiple Eccrine Spiradenoma in Zosteriform Distribution." Plast Reconstr Surg, 112(4), 927-928 (2003).
  • A16. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., and Kargı, E. "A Rat Skin Surface Measurement: A Practical Formula." Plast Reconstr Surg, 112(5), 1486-1487 (2003).
  • A17. Babucçu, O., Peksoy, İ., Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Özdemir, H., Gündoğdu, S., and Işıkdemir, A. "The Value of Scintimammography in Reduction Mammaplasties: A Preliminary Study." Aesth Plast Surg, 27(3), 296-300 (2003).
  • A18. Kargı, E., Yeşilli, C., Akduman, B., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., and Mungan, A. "Fascia Lata Grafts for Closure of Secondary Urethral Fistulas." Urology, 62(5), 928-931, Discussion 931 (2003).
  • A19. Altınyazar, HC, Hoşnuter, M., Ünaacak, M., Koca, R., and Babucçu, O. "A Training Model for Cutaneous Surgery." Dermatol Surg, 29(11), 1122–1124 (2003).
  • A20. Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Altunkaya, H., and Altınyazar, C. "Effect of Steroids on Edema, Ecchymosis, and Intraoperative Bleeding in Rhinoplasty." Ann Plast Surg, 51, 570-574 (2003).
  • A21. Kargı, E., Yeşilli, C., Hoşnuter, M., Akduman, B., Babucçu, O., and Mungan, A. "Relaxing Incision and Fascia Lata in the Surgical Correction of Penile Curvature in Peyronie's Disease." Plast Reconstr Surg, 113(1), 254-259 (2003).
  • A22. Hoşnuter, M., Gürel, A., Babucçu, O., Armutçu, F., Kargı, E., and Işıkdemir, A. "The Effect of Cape on Lipid Peroxidation and Nitric Oxide Levels in the Plasma of Rats Following Thermal Injury." Burns, 30(1), 121-125 (2004).
  • A23. Kargı, E., Acun, C., Tomac, N., Savranlar, A., Dursun, A., and Babucçu, O. "Midline Cleft of the Lower Lip Associated with Robinow Syndrome." Scand J Plast Surg Hand Surg, 38(1), 1-4 (2004).
  • A24. Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., and Babucçu, O. "Is Nail Germinal Matrix Ablation Always Necessary in Dorsal Reverse Adipofascial Flap Procedure for Fingertip Reconstruction?" Plast Reconstr Surg, 114(6), 1678-1679 (2004).
  • A25. Kargı, E., Deren, O., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., and Erdoğan, B. "Dual Synergistic Effect: The Effect of Dexamethasone plus Carnitine on Skin Flap Survival." Ann Plast Surg, 53(5), 488-491 (2004).
  • A26. Babucçu, O., Peksoy, İ., Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., and Babucçu, B. "Evaluation by Scintigraphy of Hind Limb Ischemia in a Rat Model." J Recons Microsurg, 20(5), 405-410 (2004).
  • A27. Babucçu, O., Peksoy, I., Hosnuter, M., Kargi, E., and Babucçu, B. "The Anatomical Limits in the Cleansing of Nasal Cavity in Rhinoplasty Operation." Plast Reconstr Surg, 115(2), 657-658 (2005).
  • A28. Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, B., and Kiran, S. "Morphology of the Gluteal Region in Female Population Between 5 And 83 Years." Aesth Plast Surg, 28(6), 405-411 (2005).
  • A29. Altunkaya, H., Ozer, Y., Kargi, E., Ozkocak, I., Hosnuter, M., Demirel, CB, and Babucçu, O. "Postoperative Analgesic Effect of Tramadol When Used as Subcutaneous Local Anesthetic." Anesth Analg, 99(5), 1461-1464 (2004).
  • A30. Babucçu, O., Kalaycı, M., Peksoy, İ., Kargı, E., Cagavi, F., and Numanoğlu, G. "The Effect of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage on Wound Healing in Flap Surgery: Histological Evaluation." Pediatric Neurosurg, 40(3), 101-106 (2004).
  • A31. Hoşnuter, M., Tosun, Z., Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., and Savacı, N. "No Vertical Scar Technique Versus Inverted T Scar Technique in Reduction Mammoplasty: A Two-Center Comparative Study." Aesthetic Plast Surg, 29(1), 1-8 (2005).
  • A32. Hosnuter, M., Kargı, E., Peksoy, İ., Babucçu, O., and Payaslı, C. "An Ameliorated Skin Flap Model in Rats for Experimental Research." Br J Plast Surg, 59(3), 299-303 (2006).
  • A33. Payaslı, C., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., and Tekerekoğlu, B. "Traumatic Prominent Ear Secondary to Cartilage Fracture without Skin Laceration or Hematoma: A Case Report." Plast Reconstr Surg, 117(4), 1052-1053 (2006).
  • A34. Babucçu, O., Ozdemir, H., Hosnuter, M., Kargı, E., Söğüt, A., and Ayoglu, FN. "Cross-Sectional Internal Diameters of Radial, Thoracodorsal, and Dorsalis Pedis Arteries in Children: Relationship to Subject's Sex, Age, and Body Size." J Recons Microsurg, 22(1), 49-52 (2006).
  • A35. Babucçu, O., Barut, C., Zeyrek, T., Comert, A., Can, B., Tekdemir, I., and Elhan, A. "Infragluteal Sulcus: A Combined Histological and Anatomic Reappraisal." Aesthetic Plast Surg, 32(3), 496-502 (2008).
  • A36. Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Altunkaya, H., Hosnuter, M., Ozer, Y., and Babucçu, B., Payaslı, C. "Tramadol as a Local Anaesthetic in Tendon Repair Surgery of the Hand." J Int Med Res, 36(4), 971-978 (2008).
  • A37. Babucçu, B., Babucçu, O., Yurdakan, G., and Ankaralı, H. "The Effect of Botulinum Toxin-A on Craniofacial Development: An Experimental Study." Ann Plast Surg, 63(4), 449-456 (2009).
  • A38. Babucçu, O. "An Alternative Approach for Involutional Entropy: A Preliminary Study." Lasers Med Sci, 27(2), 2011.
  • A39. Babucçu, O., Kalayci, M., Turhan, E., Gun, BD, and Dursun, A. "Mammae Erraticae: A Case Report and Reappraisal of the Related Theories." Ann Plast Surg, 36(6), 607-610 (2012).
  • A40. Gultekin, FA, Bakkal, BH, Tayfun, S., Babucçu, O., and Comert, M. "Chronic Pelvic Abscedation after Completion Proctectomy in Rectal Stump Insufficiency: Treatment with Gracilis Muscle Flap
  • following Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy." Ann Coloproctol, 29(4), 172-176 (2013).

B. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals, Other Citation Indexes

  • B1. Hosnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargi, E., Numanoglu, G., Koca, R., and Babucçu, B. "Malignant Solitary Cylindroma of the Scalp: A Case Report." Eur J Plast Surg, 27, 246-248 (2004).
  • B2. Armutçu, F., Gürel, A., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., and Altınyazar, C. "Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Improves Oxidative Erythrocyte Damage in a Rat Model of Thermal Injury." J Burn Care Rehabil, 25, 171-178 (2004).
  • B3. Payaslı, C., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Kocak, E., and Işıkdemir, A. "Spotting the Signs: A Case of Late Diagnosed Painful Calciphylaxis." J Wound Care, 14, 12-13 (2005).
  • B4. Babucçu, O., Tekerekoglu, B., Ozdemir, H., Besir, H., and Gundogdu, S. "Comparison of the Five Different Methods in Arterial Diameter Measurement." Surgical Science, 2, 204-208 (2011).

C. Articles Published in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • C1. Demirciler, N., Latifoğlu, O., Babucçu, O., Yavuzer, R., and Atabay, K. "Congenital Anomalies with Hypospadias: Retrospective Analysis of 630 Cases." Turkish Journal of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 4, 96-100 (1996).
  • C2. Babucçu, O., Latifoğlu, O., Oral, N., Coşan, B., and Atabay, K. "Rhinoplasty from Another Perspective." Turkish Journal of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 5, 33-37 (1997).
  • C3. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., and Babucçu, B. "Incidence and Etiology in Cleft Lip and Palate Cases." ENT Post, 11, 15-20 (2001).
  • C4. Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Atik, L., and Babucçu, B. "The Body Image: Our Second Body or the Back Side of the Mirror." Turkish-Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 10, 180-185 (2002).
  • C5. Hoşnuter, M., Aktunç, E., Kargı, E., Ünaacak, M., Babucçu, O., Demircan, N., and Işıkdemir, A. "Cleft Palate and Lip Family Guide." Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 9, 9-13 (2002).
  • C6. Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Babucçu, B., and Işıkdemir, A. "Pressure Sores in the Geriatric Age Group: Prevention, Care and Treatment Methods." Journal of Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, 2, 110-115 (2003).
  • C7. Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, S., and Babucçu, B. "Golden Implant Application to the Eyelid in Facial Paralysis." Turkish Journal of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 11, 123-126 (2003).
  • C8. Dursun, A., Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Yakıcıer, M.C., Babucçu, O., and İmirzalioglu, N. "An Overview of Familial Malignant Melanoma from the Window of Cancer Genetics." Turkish Journal of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 11, 191-194 (2003).
  • C9. Kargı, E., Numanoğlu, G., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Payaslı, C., and Mocan Kuzey, G. "Histopathological Profile of Breast Tissue Materials After Breast Reduction Operations." Journal of Zonguldak Karaelmas University Faculty of Medicine, 1, 11-15 (2003).
  • C10. Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Ayoğlu, F., Uzun, L., Tekerekoğlu, B., Babucçu, B., Işıkdemir, A., and Payaslı, C. "Accessory Aurikula in Zonguldak Region Its prevalence." Journal of Zonguldak Karaelmas University Faculty of Medicine (Mediforum), 1, 47-48 (2003).
  • C11. Kargı, E., Külah, C., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Tekerekoğlu, B., and Tekin, İ. "Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Risk of HIV Infection in Plastic Surgery." Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Düzce Medical Faculty, 5, 14-17 (2003).
  • C12. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Payaslı, C., Işıkdemir, A., and Tekerekoğlu, B. "A Biotherapy Method Approved by Modern Medicine: Larvae (Maggot Treatment)." Zonguldak Karaelmas University Faculty of Medicine Journal (Mediforum), 1, 85-88 (2003).
  • C13. Kargı, E., Numanoğlu, V., Yeşilli, Ç., Babucçu, O., Tekerekoğlu, B., and Seçkin, İ. "Frequency of Phimosis in Circumcision Practices." Journal of Zonguldak Karaelmas University Faculty of Medicine (Mediforum), 1, 57-59 (2003).
  • C14. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Özer, T., Babucçu, B., and Aslan, A. "Maxillofacial Surgery Practices in Our Clinic." Zonguldak Karaelmas University Journal of Faculty of Medicine (Mediforum), 1, 103-106 (2003).
  • C15. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Işıkdemir, A., and Babucçu, B. "A Case of Lipoma of the Deep Lobe of the Parotid Gland." Ear Nose Bogaz Journal of Ihtis, 10, 167-170 (2003).
  • C16. Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, B., and Gün Doğan, B. "Atypical Presentation of Kaposi's Sarcoma in the External Ear." Ear Nose and Throat Ihtis Journal, 11, 17-20 (2003).
  • C17. Babucçu, B., Tekerekoğlu, B., Işıkdemir, A., Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., and Babucçu, O. "Our Experience with Dextran 40 (Rheomacrodex) Use in Plastic Surgery: Limits and Warnings." Zonguldak Karaelmas University Journal of Faculty of Medicine (Mediforum), 2, 7-10 (2004).
  • C18. Dursun, A., Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Yakıcıer, M.C., Babucçu, O., and İmirzalioglu, N. "Sporadic Malignant Melanoma: Can Genetic Tests Enable Medical Treatment?" Turkish Journal of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 12, 124-126 (2004).
  • C19. Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., Babucçu, B., Gün Doğan, B., and Aykanat, G. "Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma." Turkish-Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 12, 149-150 (2004).
  • C20. Kargı, E., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Işıkdemir, A., and Payaslı, C. "Use of Unilateral Extended VY Advancement Flap in Pressure Wounds." Turkish Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 12, 144-145 (2004).
  • C21. Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Ayoğlu, F., Uzun, L., Tekerekoğlu, B., Babucçu, B., Işıkdemir, A., and Payaslı, C. " Accessory Aurikula in Zonguldak Region Its prevalence." Journal of Zonguldak Karaelmas University Faculty of Medicine (Mediforum), 1, 47-48 (2003).
  • C22. Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Kargı, E., Babucçu, B., Işıkdemir, A., Payaslı, C., and Tekerekoğlu, B. "Congenital Anomaly Screening of 2785 Primary School Students in Zonguldak City Center." Journal of Clinical Sciences and Physicians, 10, 424-427 (2004).
  • C23. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Işıkdemir, A., and Babucçu, B. "An Innocent But Dangerous Lesion in the Nasal Region: Dermoid Cyst. Literature Review for a Case." Turkish Journal of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 13, 68-69 (2005).
  • C24. Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Kalaycı, M., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, B., and Yenidunya, S. "Giant neuroma of the median nerve." Turkish Journal of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 13, 75-76 (2005).
  • C25. Hoşnuter, M., Özdemir, H., Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Koca, R., and Altınyazar, C. "An Alternative Approach to the Diagnosis of Under-nails Glomus Tumors: Power Doppler Ultrasound." Turkish Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 13, 66-67 (2005).
  • C26. Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Payaslı, C., and Ayoğlu, F. "The Effect of Combining Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Ibuprofen on Flap Life: Experimental Study." Ear Nose and Throat Ihtis Journal, 14, 116-120 (2005).
  • C27. Kargı, E., Babucçu, O., Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, B. "Hemangioma of the Nasal Bone: A Case Report." Ear Nose and Throat Ihtis Journal, 14, 32-34 (2005).
  • C28. Hoşnuter, M., Babucçu, O., Kargı, E., Işıkdemir, A., and Babucçu, B. "A Common Medical Trauma in the Elderly: Classification and Treatment Approaches for Extravasation Injuries." Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 8, 101-106 (2006).
  • C29. Babucçu, O. "The Past, Today and Tomorrow of Fat Grafts." Türkiye Clinics, 7, 1-4 (2018).
  • C30. Babuccu, B., Babucçu, O. "Nano Fat Grafts." Turkey Clinics, 7, 19-22 (2018).
  • C31. Babucçu, O. "Fat Graft Application in Wound Healing." Turkey Clinics, 7, 45-53 (2018).

Performed Solutions

Dr. Orhan Babuccu's B & A Photos

Breast Augmentation
Double Eyelid Surgery
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck

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Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after
Office before and after

Contact Dr. Orhan Babuccu

  • Harbiye Mahallesi, Abdi İpekçi Cd. No:53 Side Apt. K:5 D:11 Nisantasi, 34367 Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey
[email protected]

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