Hello,Stitch marks after blepharoplasty surgery generally fade completely within 3 to 6 months and usually aren't a cause for concern. Additionally, you can use healing creams to speed up the proces

How Long Does It Take for Blepharoplasty Stitch Marks to Heal?
I had blepharoplasty 6 days ago, but I can still see the stitch marks. How long does it usually take for these stitch marks from blepharoplasty to heal?
Hello! It’s completely normal to see the stitch marks at this stage, as you're very early in the recovery process. Generally, these marks fade significantly within the first 3 to 6 months. It’s important to follow your surgeon's care instructions and try to keep the area clean and protected from direct sunlight to support healing.
Hi, after blepharoplasty, the stitch marks can be quite noticeable at first, but they will gradually improve. The complete fading process can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months, sometimes up to a year, depending on your skin type and the care you take during recovery. Make sure to use any scar treatment creams or silicone gels recommended by your doctor to help minimize their appearance.
That sounds about right for just a week post-op! Scar maturation after blepharoplasty can take a while, often improving significantly over the next few months. If you’re concerned about the visibility, there are several topical treatments and silicon-based products that can help speed up the healing and reduce scarring. Be patient, and keep in touch with your surgeon about what’s normal for your recovery stage.
It's understandable to be concerned about stitch marks after such a procedure. At just 6 days post-op, your scars are still fresh. Typically, you should start to see these marks fade over the next few months. Patience is key, and ensure to follow all post-operative care guidelines. If the appearance of the scars is particularly bothersome, discuss with your surgeon the possibility of using specialized scar treatment options.
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